Lawn & Landscape Maintenance

We Offer A Wide Selection Of Lawn Care Services

Lawn & Shrub Maintenance

Our comprehensive maintenance programs are designed to meet your individual lawn and landscape care needs. Our skilled employees take the worry out of weekly lawn care and maintenance. You can be sure our professionals will “create a landscape that makes you PROUD!”

We offer custom programs to meet your lawn care needs, budget, and desires. Our available maintenance services include:

With any of these programs we ensure specialized service that is specific to your lawn’s needs. We guarantee professional work by skilled employees who can assess and treat problems as needed. We promise to be as convenient as possible with quality service delivered every week without you needing to pick up a tool or phone.

Payment Options:


Lawn and Shrub Inc. is a full-service residential & commercial landscaping company with headquarters in Lafayette IN, that has been in the business for over 50 years.

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